Mills & presses
Wine presses from Destillatio
Fruit mills and fruit presses in most sizes are usually available from our warehouse. We can normally deliver immediately, even in season. If you are in Germany you are welcome to visit us and pick up your fruit mill or wine press personally.
You can also try out all of the mills in our Aromamuseum during the harvest time. We always place all our equipment, including hydraulic fruit presses, at your disposal and free of cost on Saturdays in the museum.
The Rhoen in Hesse is an area rich in apple trees, so we know from our own experience which mills are suitable. We are always happy to give you any advice you need on the telephone or on site.
Mills & presses
Immediate delivery from warehouse
Immediate delivery from warehouse
Immediate delivery from warehouse
Immediate delivery from warehouse
Immediate delivery from warehouse
Immediate delivery from warehouse
Immediate delivery from warehouse
Immediate delivery from warehouse