CopperGarden® Alquitara "Plus" 3 L- for essential oils

Unique product enhancement of our already very successful Alquitaras for essential oils. This model "Roman Puehringer" comes with column and additional condenser (Liebig condenser) for more efficient cooling and therefore higher yield of essential oils.

Item number: T-0016
Product weight: 2800 g
Shipping Weight: 3800 g


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CopperGarden® Alquitara "Plus" 3 L- for essential oils

The Alquitara "Plus" is a product enhancement of the "Alquitara for essential oils" and is outfitted with two condensers for more efficient cooling during distillation. 

Thanks to the numerous experiments of Roman Puehringer this enhancement was made possible and we can finally present the Alquitara "Plus" to you. This copper still is currently the most efficient still on the market for producing essential oils and guarantees a higher yield of essential oils.

The Alquitara "Plus" has a larger steam room which allows to fit more plant material inside. This still is actually a mix of  the alquitara and the column still and combines the advantages of both models. That' not all! The head of the Alquitara "Plus" has been handcrafted differently and now allows for easier cleaning. This is also guaranteed by the tin-lined interior. The overall enhancements have proven to produce a better oil quality and yield.

Important information:

Distillation is strictly regulated or even forbidden in some countries. Please inform yourself and pay attention to the regulations in your country. We can ship worldwide, but we cannot check if you are allowed to own a still. Shipping within the EU is completely unrestricted. For shipping to countries outside the EU we have to affix the invoice and shipping list to the outside of the package. Up to now we have never had problems with the importation of our stills into other countries. 


  • Alquitara "Plus" 3 L for essential oils
  • with column and additional condenser (Liebig condenser)
  • enhanced cooling system, still head with tin-lined interior for easy cleaning

<ul> <li>Alquitara "Plus" 3 L for essential oils</li> <li>with column and additional condenser (Liebig condenser)</li> <li>enhanced cooling system,&nbsp;still head with tin-lined interior&nbsp;for&nbsp;easy cleaning</li> <li>Measurements:&nbsp;Weight = 2,7 kg; Height = 60 cm; u00d8 20 cm; Width with Liebig condenser&nbsp;= 60 cm</li> <li>Suitable hoses sizes&nbsp;= 10 x 13 mm (E-6225) for the condenser,&nbsp;&nbsp;8 x 11 mm (E-6218) for the Liebig condenser<br /> Holding capacity of the column:&nbsp;ca. 2 L; u00d8 &nbsp;Still bottom:&nbsp;u00d8&nbsp;12 cm</li></ul> <p>.<br />&nbsp;</p>

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