"CopperGarden®" 50 Liter ALQUITARA Still | with 3 Aroma Sieves

Wonderful user-friendly ALQUITARA still with a divided boiler and integrated aroma sieves for the distillation of pomace and plant materials. An exceptionally good distillery for producing robust hydrolats and essential oils. You will love it.

Note: You are also permitted to purchase this still privately for the production of essential oils from us. No permit is necessary, but you must register the purchase with customs after delivery.

Item number: E-0070
Product weight: 16200 g
Shipping Weight: 23000 g


Currently out of stock, reordered

* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

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"CopperGarden®" 50 liter Still ALQUITARA for steam distillation

This ALQUITARA still has been specifically designed and forged in the "CopperGarden®" manufactory for the steam distillation of crushed plant materials. You will receive an aesthetically pleasing still modeled after ancient designs, featuring a divided 50-liter boiler and a conveniently top-mounted condenser. Despite its substantial size of 50 liters, this still remains easy to handle, transport, and clean, making it suitable for both ambitious hobby distillers and professionals.

User-friendly - Space-saving - Safe

The boiler can be opened in the upper third and comes standard with a copper aroma sieve for the steam distillation of hydrolats and essential oils. The entire area above the aroma sieve can be filled with herbs or other plant materials for the pot distillation of precious aromas, extending into the distillation head. The design of the Alquitara guarantees short steam pathways, resulting in larger quantities and higher quality yields of essential oils and aromatic plant waters.

The "CopperGarden®" ALQUITARA still is made entirely of copper (except for the forged iron reinforcement ring and brass handles) and is undoubtedly an excellent choice for distilling essential oils and hydrolats. If you appreciate safety and ease of use, you will love this still. The steam can transport the precious oils unhindered to the condenser. The still stands safely, space-efficiently, and stably on the fire pit or gas burner due to its wide boiler. Overall, this ALQUITARA is a stunning piece that you will not want to miss after your first distillations.

Accessories: We recommend laying a meter of copper mesh over the coarse bottom sieve to prevent fine plant materials from falling into the boiler. Additionally, a 25 cm piece of copper mesh would be useful to protect the distillation head from plant material during the distillation process, effectively preventing blockage of the spirit tube by plant parts. You should also consider how you want to heat the still: traditionally over an open fire? Then you will need a stand. Or using a gas burner?


Why you should buy this ALQUITARA Still from us:

  • You will receive the original "CopperGarden®" Alquitara still with a divided 50-liter boiler.
  • The still is particularly well-suited for the uncomplicated production of high-quality essential oils and robust hydrolats.
  • We ensure: 100% lead-free construction | Vegan manufacturing without animal products.
  • This Alquitara has been hand-forged with great care and expertise: a true masterpiece. You will love it.
  • Copper is the best material for all distillates. It acts as a catalyst and reliably protects against contamination. Your distillates will taste better and last longer.
  • With the large top-mounted condenser and the cooling water inlet and outlet, the still is very easy to operate.

<h2>Destillatio Warranty and Guarantee</h2> <p>Regardless of the legal warranty, Destillatio offers you a full two-year dealer warranty on this item. Click <strong><a href="https://www.destillatio.eu/content/destillatio-garantie/" target="_blank">here</a></strong> to view the <strong>Destillatio Warranty Statement</strong>.</p>

<h2>"CopperGardenu00ae" 50 liter ALQUITARA Still with aroma sieves</h2> <ul> <li>Special still for steam distillation of the ingredients from all plant materials using water or alcohol</li> <li>Optimized design with 3 sieves and a divided boiler</li> <li>User-friendly still for the distillation of plant water, essential oils, and pomace</li> <li>Compact design with a top-mounted condenser</li> <li>Large volume for your plant materials = high yield</li> <li>Condenser directly above the distillation head = ideal for high-quality extraction of all ingredients</li> <li>Material: Bare copper, hard-soldered with brass handles</li> <li>Copper = Antiviral, Antibacterial, Antifungal, Antimagnetic</li> <li>Brass: Rust-free</li> <li>Easy to care for: Usually, it is enough to rinse the still with warm water and dry it immediately after distillation</li> <li>100% lead-free construction = free from heavy metals</li> <li>Vegan production without animal products</li> <li>CO2 neutral express shipping with GLS or DHL from central Germany</li> <li>Total boiler volume approximately 50 liters</li> <li>2-year warranty directly from us as the dealer (please refer to our warranty statement)</li> <li>Top EU brand quality from the "CopperGardenu00ae" manufactory in Portugal</li> <li>Each piece is individually forged and inspected with great care, experience, and expertise</li> <li>Guaranteed to be an excellent choice for distilling hydrolats and essential oils</li> <li>Can also be used in the garden or outdoors (without electricity)</li> <li>Sustainable investment for generations</li> <li>You will love this still</li> <li>Height: 100 cm, Width: 57 cm, Depth: 66 cm</li> <li>Weight: 16.5 kg | Shipping weight: 55 kg</li> <li>Condenser volume: 12 L</li> <li>Filling volume for plant materials: approximately 33 L (15 + 15 + 3)</li> <li>Diameter of boiler bottom: 42 cm</li> <li>Diameter of boiler opening: 40 cm (middle part: 19 cm)</li> <li>Diameter of cooling water inlet: Threaded insert 24 mm = u00be inch including ball valve</li> <li>Diameter of cooling water outlet: 19 mm</li> <li>Diameter of distillate outlet: 16 mm</li> <li>Compatible burner, e.g.: <a href="https://www.destillatio.eu/30-cm-gasbrenner/a-75/" target="_blank">G-9714</a></li> <li>Compatible stand: <a href="https://www.destillatio.eu/paella-eisenstaender/a-1449/" target="_blank">E-3156</a></li> <li>Shipping on a pallet with dimensions 120 x 80 x 90 cm, 55 kg</li></ul>

<h2>Are you allowed to distill with a 50 liter still?</h2> <p><strong>Germany: </strong>This still is subject to double registration requirements in Germany. This means that you are allowed to purchase and use this still as a private individual for the distillation of essential oils and hydrolats. No special permit is required, but you must register the purchase with your local customs office within three days. A simple letter with your address and a statement of what you intend to distill and where (no alcohol!) is sufficient. As a dealer, we are also obligated to register your purchase within three days at our main customs office in Gieu00dfen (Hesse), which we will do.</p> <p><strong>Austria &amp; Switzerland:</strong> In Austria and Switzerland, this still is also subject to registration and cannot be used privately for alcohol distillation. However, there is a difference: we must report the sale to Austria, but not for sales to Switzerland. When shipping to Switzerland, we must attach a copy of the invoice on the outside of the package so that Swiss customs can correctly calculate and charge you taxes and fees related to the import. Often, during shipping and customs processing via DHL, no one notices that it is a still that requires registration. Nevertheless, according to the law, you are obligated to register the still and are not permitted to distill alcohol privately, and we have promised Swiss customs that we will explain this to all our customers in Switzerland.</p> <p><strong>European Union: </strong>Thanks to the liberal EU internal trade law, we are allowed to ship to all EU countries from Germany without customs registration. Please check the laws in your home country. When you order this still from us, we can send it to you within a few days without any formalities via GLS or DHL.</p> <p><strong>Worldwide Shipping: </strong>For shipments outside the EU, we are required to attach a copy of the invoice on the outside of the package so that customs in your home country can accurately calculate and charge their fees and taxes. Please verify before purchasing this still whether you are allowed to own and use it in your home country. In most cases, shipping is not an issue, but some countries have strict laws against possessing a still. We can ship the still, but we cannot take responsibility for the authorities and their actions in your home country.</p> <p>If you would like to order and your country is not listed in our shipping address country list, please contact us at info@destillatio.com. There may be shipping issues, or perhaps we can work together to find a solution or explain the shipping problem related to your country.</p> <h2>Important to Know:</h2> <p>In Germany and Austria, stills with up to two-liter boilers are not subject to registration, and in Switzerland, you can purchase stills up to 3 liters without registration.</p> <p>Click here for a selection without registration:&nbsp;<a href="https://www.destillatio.eu/destille/destillen-zur-herstellung-aetherischer-oele-und-hydrolate/meldefreie-destillen-in-de-at-ch-fuer-aetherische-oele-kaufen" name="registration-free stills at Destillatio" target="_blank" title="registration-free stills at Destillatio">registration-free stills at Destillatio</a></p>

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